Articles on: Job Planning

My Job Plan has the wrong dates

If you’d like your Job Plan to start on a different date to the one currently showing, that’s very easily done. If you access Section 2, General info, you’ll see a box marked Effective Date with a date next to it. This is the date from which your Job Plan will start. To change it, simply click on the date itself, select a new date from the calendar that pops up and save the page.

If your Job Plan has already been signed by some, but not all, of your signatories, making changes to the Job Plan will revoke their signatures, and this would need to be signed off again.

If you Job Plan has been signed by all parties, you won’t be able to make any edits to the job plan, including changing the Effective Date. In this instance, you would need to speak to the administrators at your organisation to let them know this needs changing.
You can find their contact details in the section at the top of your SARD Dashboard. If you click the System Support icon, their details will show in the right-hand column that shows in the section below.

Updated on: 30/09/2024

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